I'm visiting a friend at the moment, and although we have extremely different musical tastes (re: she loves Country music), she introduced me to this gem of a group called Da Vinci's Notebook. No, they're not Country. Da Vinci's Notebook is a humor acapella-esque group that'll throw in a musical instrument every now and then. She intrigued me with the "Another Irish Drinking Song" due to my recent visit to an Irish festival, but when I came across songs like "Enormous Penis," I knew this band was totally post-able (and perfect for male acappella groups nation-wide). Take a listen and enjoy.
Another Irish Drinking Song [mp3] (iTunes)
Title of the Song [mp3] (iTunes)
Enormous Penis [mp3] (iTunes)
Title of the Song [mp3] (iTunes)
Enormous Penis [mp3] (iTunes)
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