Submission Guidelines

If you have music that you would like to submit for review or a concert that you would like one of us to attend (in NYC, DC, Asheville NC), please email us. We receive a lot of email so we can't respond to everyone and it may take us a while to get to your email. Please help us out by taking a good look at this blog and the types of music we post about before you send an email to see what kind of music we like. We don't spam you, so we would appreciate the same courtesy. Sending info to specific

If you want us to post your music and read the full email, you MUST observe the following guidelines or your email will be deleted:
1. Please don't make us go looking for things. Help us use our time wisely by giving us everything we need in one place:
~ Always include a LINK to download or stream your music (DO NOT attach mp3s - that fills up our mailbox). FTPed links that end in .mp3 (that we can listen to it without downloading first) are best.
~ Always include a link to your website AND/OR Facebook/YouTube/SoundCloud so we don't have to go looking for it if we want to post about you.
2. Please let us know in your initial email which (if any) of your songs you would like us to make available for download on your website so that we don't have to contact you and wait to hear back before we post anything. We try to post downloadable mp3s as often as possible for our readers to sample the artists' music - your chances of being posted on this blog greatly increase if you let us post an mp3 to download.
3. Things we typically post about are tour announcements, album releases, sometimes music videos or interviews. We are most likely not going to post about your appearance on Jimmy Kimmel or your album cover art.