Son of Rambow is a heartwarming British comedy about two young boys from very different backgrounds - who are both rather obsessed with - their quest to win a young filmmakers' contest by making a film about the son of Rambow. The two boys are: Will, an awkwardly quirky, religiously devout and rather gullible member of the Plymouth Brethren; and Lee Carter, a rich troublemaker whose parents are never around and who basically does whatever he wants. Honestly, this kid is badass. And I'm now going to use the word "skill" as my new slang word, inspired by him. Side note: ridiculously attractive Gossip Girl actor Ed Westwick plays Lee Carter's older brother - funny how he always plays rich assholes.
Will and Lee Carter meet when Lee Carter hits Will - who was waiting out in the hall while his class watched a documentary film because he's not allowed to watch television - in the head with a tennis ball. You might be wondering how a boy who's not allowed to watch TV became obsessed with Rambo... I don't want to explain in too much detail, but basically Will sees Rambo at Lee Carter's house and becomes obsessed, so they make the film, even though it means Will has to sneak around and lie to his mother in order to do it. They quickly become close friends and "blood brothers" (gross).
There's a whole subplot with these French exchange students that are in town - one of whom (named Didier) all the British kids idolize. While some of the scenes with the Didier were rather hilarious, at first it wasn't clear to me what this had to do with the story. Later it comes out that Didier's dream is to be an actor, so he seeks a role in the boys' film and suddenly Will is one of the coolest kids in school. However, Lee Carter doesn't like all the extra people being in the film (deep down he's jealous because Will is really his only true friend) and he thinks Didier is ridiculous, so this is when the major conflict comes in and lots of drama ensues.
Overall this movie is very funny and heartwarming. I would say the best word to describe it would be cute (but I mean that in a good way). The ending is a little cheesy, but I'll admit I got teary-eyed. And the young boy actors are very good. Props to the director because kids are so hard to work with. It comes out May 2nd here in the US. Go see it.
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