Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Back to work

Sorry for my sporadic updating, but I was on vacation and celebrating the holiday/my birthday, so hopefully you can forgive me. Yesterday I flew back to NY and my flight was delayed 4 hours. I didn't end up getting home until about 1:30am. The four 4 hour wait at the airport would've been fine too if I could've accessed Wi-Fi or something from the airport because I could've gotten some work done (like updating this blog). But no. Wi-Fi at the Minneapolis airport (at least the smaller terminal that I was at) costs like $8. How ridiculous is that? And today I had a very busy, rather long day at the office. Lots of work to catch up on. So thus I am updating rather late. My apologies.

Fitting with my frustration with traveling:

Information Travels Faster [mp3] - Death Cab for Cutie - "The Photo Album" (iTunes)

Wait, Wait, Wait [mp3] - The Format - "Interventions and Lullabies" (iTunes)

Anyway, now I'm back in NY and life should hopefully get somewhat back to normal - though I have a busy next few weeks ahead of me. But I will try to update every day, as per usual. Tata dahlings.

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