Simons is a heck of a wordsmith and has always written clever and complex songs, but the journey seems to have transformed him into a bona fide troubadour. "Who Turned Out the Lights" is his latest tune, and it finds him getting his armageddon on, in the vein of Bob Dylan's "Talkin' World War III Blues". It's just as catchy as the best of his earlier songs, but folkier and with that unstoppable Johnny Cash "freight train" momentum. There's a video on YouTube, but the download is a Guilt Free Pleasures exclusive.
For further listening, Simons also has a bunch of free tracks available on Bandcamp (including his entire last LP) and a bunch of fun covers on YouTube.
P.S. There's two days and $2,000 to go on Sxip Shirey's Kickstarter campaign to fund his new album. Sxip's been featured on GFP more than once, and I'm sure I speak for both Em and myself when I say that I hope the album gets funded!
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