Friday, February 19, 2010

EXCLUSIVE New Cosmo Jarvis Track!

A few weeks ago we posted about spunktastic indie pop singer-songwriter Cosmo Jarvis and today we get to exclusively release another track from his debut album. Not to be fooled by its seemingly carefree reggae underbelly, "Sunshine & Dandelions" is a track from the pensive "Sonofabitch" portion of the album, exploring the more complex and darker realm of the mind. Cosmo has this to say for the track:
Sunshine and Dandelions is a song that developed whilst thinking about abortion and the extremes of emotion and the mental state that I thought must lead to this decision. It simply compares the potential beauty of the relationship that leads to a child's conception to the sometimes - emotionally detached decision one must make to end a life before its beginning (or after, I know shit about the biology of it). The song then presents less serious acts (in my eyes) stemming from a pragmatically inhumane thought processes - requiring the thinker to disregard all that they know a civilised human being should think, if they are to be looked upon by others as a person that can comfortably reside in a society inhabited by animals rapidly disregarding their primitive, primeval origins.
While Cosmo Jarvis uses his fantastic wit and imagination for the first half of his debut to write songs about Jessica Alba and Gay Pirates, he can also address serious subjects with serious songcraft, which is rarely heard of these days for someone his age. Check out the track below, and if you like what you hear, you can purchase the album here.

Sunshine and Dandelions [mp3]

1 comment:

chris mockridge said...

love it, nice to hear the weight of the subject matter come through... normally I'm a sucker for a good hook I can sing along to!