Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another spontaneous musical from Improv Everywhere

Some day I will witness one of these in person. I swear to God. I will find a way. Because seriously, I want life to be a musical. And Improv Everywhere is fulfilling that dream for me one mission at a time.


Jeremy said...

Have you considered the possibility that these "guerilla theater" organizations have been used to harass people?

My take on Improv Everywhere is that they're mostly harmless, but they may have played a part in psychological warfare campaigns against certain people - and the participants would not know.

Lise said...

Good lord. The only goal that Improv Everywhere has ever had is to make people smile by doing something unexpectedly fun, like giving high fives on the subway escalator to brighten someone's day. Clearly though, judging by your comment and article, that goal is not everyone's cup of tea.