Merrill Garbus is the person behind tUnE-yArDs, and she did it all on a digital voice recorder and mixed it together using shareware mixing software. Add her ingenuity with those elements and you get lo-fi indie-alternative tinged with nitty gritty drum thumps and anti-folk flares. Merrill uses her main instrument, the ukulele, beyond the point of recognition and her voice has remarkable range, going from soft and gentle to full-out power belt/scream. Her debut Bird Brains dropped in August limited to a special 1000 screen-printed release with a full release planned for November. Her strongest song is "Sunlight", and "Lions" is sure to be big, but I also enjoy the way "Fiya" displays fine uke picking and just gets better and better as you get further into it, so give them both a listen below.
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