It's hard to believe that her album was just released on iTunes two days ago- December 30th- with a physical release in stores planned for January 6th, 2009 (despite claims that it would arrive in the fall of 2008), cause God knows she's been everywhere on hype these days. Plus, she recently went on tour with Josh Radin, so you know this girl has talent. Basically this girl is the new Sara Bareillis with a side of A Fine Frenzy, and if the radio ever catches on to this one, she's gonna be big.
Love, Save the Empty [mp3] (myspace)
Love, Save the Empty [mp3] (myspace)
Self described as a "fusion of doo-wop sound, swing, bebop, and then obviously that indie edge," this British 24-year-old is set to be the next big thing to come out of the UK. While her music video for the single Crying Blood seems to try to incorporate something from each decade from the last 50 years, whether it be the tetris background or the 1960's simple slightly-lame dancing, its no doubt a single you will be hearing much more of, especially in remixed format. With a major label backing her up, she's destined to reach fame in 2009.
Quick Fix [mp3] (myspace)
Florence and the Machine
Matt Jones
Ravens & Chimes
Aaron Beaumont
Via Audio

Again, the Brits are doing great things. Florence and the Machine sounds as if someone took Lily Allen/Kate Nash and mixed it with some of Amy Winehouse's insanity and an indie rock band. People are taking notice of this one, though. In February Florence will be awarded the Critics' Choice Award at the Brit Awards, an honor bestowed upon Adele just last year. At a Versace party at Donatella's mansion in Milan, Florence sang cover songs to audiences that included Jay-Z and Beyonce. Interviews with Florence herself come across as way-energetic-border-line-insane, which can only a good thing in the music world of expression and entertainment. Two singles, Kiss With A Fist and Dog Days Are Over have been released with a full album anticipated sometime in 2009.
Kiss With A Fist [mp3] (myspace)
While we wanted to put his album in my best debut albums category, technically it's still not out yet. But good news, it is due out very soon from my understanding. Matt Jones is that rare singer-songwriter with incredible talent that naturally stands out from the other throngs of singer-songwriters. His amazing lyrics and whimsical complex simplicity make him shine.
Waltzing With Lady Dawn [mp3] (myspace)
I think they have to count as Em's favorite discovery of 2008. She absolutely fell in love with them and their music. There's just something about them... We love the drama in their music and many of the songs off their 2007 album have been on repeat on our playlists since Em first saw them back in August. We don't know if there is a new album due out soon, but we hope so. And in honor of the new year, we're posting the song January.
January [mp3] (myspace)
Aaron Beaumont has got it all - the talent, the voice, the looks, the wardrobe. He writes beautiful piano ballads and I can picture him rocketing to fame pretty swiftly, so listen to him now so that you can say "I knew him before he was famous."
Love Doesn't Hurry [mp3] (myspace)
This fun, quirky band is relatively popular within the indie scene. Em saw them play with indie darlings Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. From silly but poignant songs such as Digital (about digital media and how talentless people are getting ahead because their voices and images can be digitally altered) to the melancholy but beautiful Oh Blah Wee (about how life goes on), Via Audio is a pretty hip band and they are definitely going places.
Digital [mp3] (myspace)
Great picks - I love the VV Brown!
Erin is quite nice, but I have a hard time relating to the song lyrics. A Fine Frenzy was the same- Sarah Bareilles and Meiko, who you've written about, are more my speed - the latter of whom is my 'pick to click' in 2009.
I agree. The VV Brown track is great. Thanks for posting.
Great choice with Via Audio!
I'm definitely going to check out Via Audio!
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