Tuesday night I headed over to Mercury Lounge to see Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin (what a mouthful...). I had intended to get there toward the beginning because it looked like a good lineup, but I worked late so I missed the first half. It still turned out to be a fabulous concert though - everything a concert should be: fun music, witty banter, people taking their shirts off, dancing, bands intermingling and people switching instruments.
I managed to catch Brooklyn band Via Audio, who went on before SSLYBY and who - it turns out - I absolutely love. I had heard a song or two of their's before but had never really paid attention (so much music, so little time, you know?). Well from now on I will listen more closely. Via Audio was spectacular. They were high energy, fun, silly, serious, sultry, jazzy, spunky, and so much more all in one show - sometimes all at the same time. I was dancing my heart out, which is exactly what I needed after a very long (not to mention boring) day at work. They're a large band too - guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, and two guys who switched between sax, clarinet and flute between the two of them. They play a variety of styles, which I always appreciate. I would even go so far as to say that this band is one of my new favorites.
SSLYBY was great as well, though I can't say they had quite as much energy as Via Audio. Actually, when the bass player from Via Audio came and played cowbell for them for a few songs, their energy increased a great deal. It was really neat to watch. But they were wonderful and I enjoyed them very much (and they were still very high energy too). They had one super fan in the audience who brought a Springfield board game (they're from Springfield, Missouri) and a Boris Yeltsin book. I think my favorite song was one that the drummer said was about Missouri but had never been recorded. About 3/4 of the way through the set, the band switched it up - the lead singer played the bass, the bass player played the drums and the drummer took over the guitar/lead singer position. I always like seeing people switch instruments - it shows they're multi-talented.
More pictures (a slideshow because I don't have time to add them each individually):
More pictures (a slideshow because I don't have time to add them each individually):
Digital [mp3] - Via Audio (iTunes unavailable)
Glue Girls [mp3] - Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - "Pershing" (iTunes)
Glue Girls [mp3] - Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - "Pershing" (iTunes)
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