Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Where is she now?

With my iPod on shuffle this morning, an old favorite song of mine came on that I hadn't listened to in quite some time from an old favorite artist that I hadn't heard in quite some time. She is the British singer/songwriter Sheila Nicholls and her 2002 album, "Wake," was one of my faves for many years. Maybe it still is. So I got to thinking. What is Ms. Nicholls up to now and why do I not have any of her new albums? And thus I googled her only to find out that she hasn't come out with any new albums since her second album, "Wake," which was released when I was in high school (...weird!). Supposedly (according to Wikipedia) she was going to come out with an album in 2007 but that didn't happen and I see no word as to why anywhere on the internet. There are two new songs on her myspace though, one of which I like very much (Lay Low).

For those of you who've never heard of Nicholls before, I highly recommend giving "Wake" a listen. I was hesitant to give it a chance at first because the album expresses themes of faith and I personally don't tend to be a fan of religiously-themed music. However, it really has very little to do with religious faith (Nicholls herself doesn't seem to affiliate with any particular religion) and it really is a beautiful album. Nicholls has a lovely color to her voice and each song is filled with rich harmonies. It's one of those rare albums in which I like almost every track. My favorites are probably the sultry and haunting Bread and Water, the dramatic and full Maze. But it is really hard to pick favorites because each track is just so good. So give it a listen. And if she comes out with a new album, I will definitely be sharing the news with all of you.

Bread and Water [mp3]
Maze [mp3]

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey em!

long time no talk. sorry I've been so busy--but know that I still check the blog when I can. Will always be a fan. :)

I heard MB got a new job that is working him to death. Sorry to hear it as I know you don't see him much because of it.But I hope you're doing well dispite it.

Anyhow, how have you been?
