Saturday, November 10, 2007

Julius C @ The Village Underground

Last night I went to a few different shows, but I will write about each of them separately. The first show I went to was Julius C at the Village Underground. I missed the first band, but the second band was TreeUnion and Julius C was third.

With a name like TreeUnion, and the fact that the concert had to do with the John Lennon Songwriting Contest, I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised by the songs about peace and nature, but for some reason I was. I almost felt like I had taken a field trip back to the 60s. The lead singer, Dylan Byrne has a really nice voice. When he's singing the more gentle parts of songs in particular, it's quite lovely. He also can sing/rap really fast, which is impressive. If I were to try and classify their music, I would say it's hippie music for the current era - it has a bit of a 60s flower power feeling to it, but with a modern twist. Sometimes I don't like music where the political message beats you over the head, but for some reason I found their political blatantness refreshing, like the lyrics to "The Sky Is Falling": "we keep our ears tuned to the radio. We keep our eyes glued to the tube. And it's all fast food, information, clogging up our minds... Wake up and see."

After TreeUnion was Julius C, who were awesome as usual. I know I've raved about them before, but I really can't stress enough how awesome these guys are. They have so much energy when they perform and their music is so much fun. I love the mix of funk and rock. They debuted some new songs at the show, some of which are actually less funky. While I think I tend to like their funkier songs better, their other songs are great too. And it shows their versatility as a group - that they can perform different kinds of music and therefore aren't boxed into one genre. I think my favorite of their new songs was the song they opened the show with, "Pretend," to which they put a fun GoogleImage slideshow together for. Seriously people, if you have the chance to see these guys perform, take it. They have so much fun on stage, just playing around and getting into the music. They really love performing and it makes you love watching them. And they attract a pretty great audience too. For me, the audience can make or break a concert. And Julius C seems to maintain an audience that gets into the music without getting rowdy and obnoxious, which is really nice.

More pictures:


Julius C

Julius C gets down, literally

Yes, she is playing the guitar with her mouth

And some music to sample:

The Sky Is Falling [mp3] - TreeUnion - "Extra Life EP"

Pretend [mp3] - Julius C

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